I had seen him watching me for several days. The driveway leading out of Havana’s Hotel Nacional might have been 50 yards or more, and he seemed to be standing there at the end of it every day.
Ebony Theater Tries to Keep Final Curtain From Coming Down
BY EDWARD J. BOYER FEB. 1, 1993 12 AM PT As the drawling, shuffling, dimwitted Lightnin’ on the “Amos ‘n’ Andy” television show in the early 1950s, Nick Stewart was part of a cast that officials at the NAACP’s national headquarters wanted taken off the air. But for Stewart, Lightnin’ was a means to an […]
A KILLER TORNADO BLEW TED THACKREY JR. FROM THE WICHITA Eagle into Los Angeles journalism in the 1950s. A whirlwind of his own making lifted him out more than 30 years later. Thackrey landed at the Los Angeles Examiner after its city editor saw his lead on the twister: “A small Kansas town died in its sleep last night.”
Record Lovers Get What They Need From the Music Man
By Edward J. Boyer — Aug. 21, 1999 When Duke Ellington had trouble finding a copy of one of his own records, he knew where to look. The same was true for Louis ‘‘Satchmo’’ Armstrong. They would put in a call to Murray Gershenz, better known as ‘‘Music Man Murray,’’ a used record dealer whose […]
The Brandon Pops: Whistling to a Different Tune
Stand within arm’s length of Joel Brandon, study him closely, watch every move he makes, and you still won’t believe your ears. This has to be a trick. No one could produce that kind of sound without using a musical instrument.
“Design is a feeling—something right in my fingertips that has to be released.”
Time Finally Catches Up With Designer’s Car of the Future August 06, 1994|EDWARD J. BOYER It can be difficult to get Cliff Hall to sit still for more than a few minutes at a time when his fertile imagination is throwing off ideas. He grabs any piece of paper within reach—a napkin, the back of […]