By Edward J. Boyer We sat together on the small couch in her Los Angeles apartment on La Brea, upstairs next to the liquor store just off the corner of Venice Boulevard. She opened the file folder on her lap and handed me a page. When I finished reading the page, she took it back […]
Parks Support Backs Blacks Into a Corner
By EDWARD BOYER FEB. 17, 2002 With the cold slap of reality still stinging, black elected officials and some community leaders remain in an uproar over Mayor James K. Hahn’s announcement that he will not support a second term for Police Chief Bernard C. Parks. These are the same leaders who have been in the […]
Gleaming ‘Big Mo’ in Hawaii on Last Cruise
“There are only two kinds of sailors in the Navy–those who have been battleship sailors and those who wish they could have been.”
The Brain Trust
“When I operate and look at the structure of the brain under the microscope, what I’m looking at is God’s art.”
He has been called ‘brilliant,’ a ‘superstar,’ even a god. Neurosurgeon Keith Black is zeroing in on a way to zap malignant tumors.
A Heartbeat in Search of a Heart
L.A.’s Leimert Park has become a center of black creativity. Now actress Marla Gibbs dreams of a theater to anchor it.
Hustling Golf at Palmer Park with ‘Fat Daddy’ and ‘The Train’
“Looks like it’s boilin’ down to me and you, boy,” Pierce “Fat Daddy” Cofield says, turning to Bob Ladford, a laid-off auto worker. “You want my business?”