The last time I saw her is the way I want to remember her. She was happier than I had ever seen her in the nearly 10 years we had known one another. And she could laugh out loud when her friends at the Times kidded her unmercifully, saying she was leaving the paper and […]
Lawyer Presses 23-Year Battle on Behalf of ‘Geronimo’ Pratt
March 13, 1997|EDWARD J. BOYER | TIMES STAFF WRITER Since he showed up at San Quentin prison 23 years ago, a third-year law student offering to help with appeals, San Francisco attorney Stuart Hanlon has been the constant in former Black Panther Party leader Elmer “Geronimo” Pratt’s persistent efforts to overturn his murder conviction. Other attorneys have […]
Finding the Spirit at West Angeles
Sure, they wanted to go to Venice Beach, Hollywood, the Santa Monica Promenade, Century City and downtown. But at the top of their list was 7 a.m. ‘‘mass’’ at West Angeles Church of God in Christ.
The Brain Trust
“When I operate and look at the structure of the brain under the microscope, what I’m looking at is God’s art.”
He has been called ‘brilliant,’ a ‘superstar,’ even a god. Neurosurgeon Keith Black is zeroing in on a way to zap malignant tumors.
The Origin of Hip
George Robinson, approaching his 80s, was helping his wife with her boots one recent winter.
For some reason, she was uncomfortable, and putting them on became a challenge. Finally, after some struggle, the boots were in place. Robinson, a resident of Detroit, then looked up at her and said: ”There, honey. I’ve got you hipped and booted.”
A Heartbeat in Search of a Heart
L.A.’s Leimert Park has become a center of black creativity. Now actress Marla Gibbs dreams of a theater to anchor it.